Reverse Advent Project 2024
In early 2022 Glenn Carroll, Manager of the Horsham Sports & Community Club, instigated a community-wide project to support the needy in our community and district through the Reverse Advent Project. Individuals, businesses, schools and groups filled boxes of food from a specified list to be donated to us here at the Food Centre to be given to people in need. This was supported by The Weekly Advertiser and Radio Station 3WM. HSCC supplied the boxes and we supplied the list of non-perishable pantry staples that each box should have included. In total 379 were filled and delivered back to HSCC who then transported them to the Food Centre to be used straight away or to storage to await pick up by Centre staff. Perishable items (fruit, vegies, bread & meat etc) items were added to the boxes when given to clients. This project has continued through to the current year and is still making a huge difference to us and our clients. It saves us both time and money and also enables people to contribute to a cause they know will directly help people in their local community and district who are really needing help. Thank you to Glenn, HSCC staff and everyone who donates.

Schools donations
Students and families of Horsham Catholic schools donated food to fill RA boxes to be donated to the Centre

Business Support
Staff from Elgas Horsham load up the 3WM car with RA boxes

Community Support
Boxes were piled high in the back of local MP Emma Kealy's office ready to be picked up for use by the Food Centre staff
Students and families of Horsham 298 schools with their donated boxes

Staff from the Food Centre receive boxes from HSCC staff

Glenn Carroll picks up the donated boxes from students at Holy Trinity Lutheran College